Extracorporeal Assistance

The post embryo transfer period is undoubtedly the most nerve stressful of all. The woman should follow strict drug directions and not take any initiatives to modify the treatment scheme without prior communication with the Unit. Staying in bed all this time is unnecessary and not recommended (only a two- or three-day stay in bed after the embryotransfer might be of some benefit). The woman may resume all usual activities as well as her job, provided that this is not extremely tiring). The establishment of pregnancy achievement is done by measuring blood b-chorionic gonadotropin levels (and not by urine pregnancy test) during the 14th day after the embryotransfer. Even in the case that the woman sees vaginal bleeding around the scheduled day of blood test, she must do the test and not interrupt the drug scheme before getting the test results. In the case of a positive result, the woman must contact the Unit to obtain all necessary instructions to proceed with the supportive treatment